How Can You
Can Get Into The Best Shape Of Your Life,
Even With 'Old' Injuries or a 'Slower Metabolism'

Learn How To Get Into Amazing Shape

(Without Wasting Time)

Where do you start?
What do you do?

You’ve put yourself on the back burner for a few years taking care of life, taking care of your kids, your spouse, and getting yourself established with your career. NOW you feel that it's time to work on YOU.

But, as you know, your body doesn't operate the same way as it did 10, 15 or 20 years ago. You have a few extra pounds, joints creak a bit more and you find yourself getting winded at the littlest things and you’re wondering…

“When the heck did this happen?”

You don’t feel like you’ve gotten older, if anything you still think you’re in your 20’s. You probably even have the personality of a 20 year old, maybe even younger in some context. You’ve tried P90X, joining a gym and even some diets that you saw online such as Paleo, Atkins, Whole 30, etc… but nothing stuck. You just ended up right back where you started or maybe even a few pounds heavier. Talk about frustrating!

Well I'm here to tell you that it's not your fault.

This happens to EVERYONE that is in, or has passed, their 30’s. Your body is different, things move differently, certain areas feel softer and you don’t have the metabolism that you did when you were in your early 20's. Remember being able to stay up all night, eat a pizza and wake up the next morning sill looking fairly decent? (Raises hand) Yeah, me too.

Back then you didn't have to work out as hard, maybe really not at all. Then all of a sudden, you have kids, responsibilities, a mortgage, some extra fluff around your mid section and everything you have tried just hasn't worked.

If you can relate to ANY of that, I have a solution for you...

Real Benefits

  • Confidence that you are doing the exercises you need to be doing, safely and correctly, because sometimes you’ve always wondered if you were doing those right.
  • Excitement of doing things you never thought you could do PAIN FREE; such as squatting for great legs without your knees hurting… EVER.
  • Results each week whether it's your pants getting looser or the weights feeling easier, each week there is always something new that you'll experience and keep you excited for more..
  • Support every step of the way because you're not alone and this won’t be a lonely journey, you’ll be surrounded by others that have done, and are going thorough, the same things that you're going though.
  • Motivation that keeps you grounded and not falling off the wagon even after those long days with an angry boss, traffic jams, and kids.

IronBody Fitness Transformation Center is a family friendly, laid-back, safe, non-competitive, non-threatening environment. We will push you to be your best but in a safe way. The only person you compete against is yourself.

Try Our 6 Week Jump Start

100% Risk Free
Make an appointment and together we will map a plan for your success!

As the owner and sole coach at IronBody Fitness, it is my passion to help women and men in their 30’s, 40’s, 50's and 60's get in the best shape of their lives by building training programs that work for each person in the group. My programs are based on proven systems and I will get you the results want as quickly and safely as possible.

Imagine what it would be like to see results each week, that your ‘big’ clothes don’t even fit as they slide off your hips and your friends asking:

“You look great!

What have you been doing!?”

Think of how good it will feel to be able to sleep THROUGH the night without medication, being able to keep up with your kids (or grand kids) before they are bigger than you, not feeling bloated all the time or worried about sucking in you stomach at your 15 or 20 year reunion... Or anywhere, for that matter!

Or how about having more energy to do the things that matter to you, having the confidence to take up a hobby that you just thought you would physically never be able to do.

Feeling comfortable in a bathing suit, finding that old shirt you wore in High School and putting it on to find out it sill fits!

Those are just SOME experiences people, like you, have ALL the time; so why shouldn't you?

Real People, Real Results

What's Included

Why a Jump Start?

This 42 day jump start (yeah, that's 6 full weeks, 3 sessions/wk!) this is to give YOU a chance to see if we are the best fit for YOU. It takes time for us to learn about each other, but as you'll come to find out the more often we work together the better the bead we get on your body and mind, to see what needs to happen to get you to your goal.

Nutrition For Your Body

Yes, this is one of THE major components of working with a trainer… what to EAT. During this Jump Start I will teach you more about nutrition than you may have ever been exposed to. And working together, we will find out what YOU need to eat for YOUR body, YOUR goals and YOUR schedule. Oh, and did I say what YOU LIKE? Yeah, you'll eat YOUR FAVORITE FOODS and still get results.

No fad diets. No starvation. Learn to eat sensibly and your excess fat will come off. We strive for 1 to 2 pounds per week. We've found that much more than that means you are under-eating and you probably won't be able to keep it off.

What to do For The Days You're NOT Here

Face it, this is a lifestyle change and for you to get from where you are now to where you want to go then homework is involved, but we have you covered there. We'll help with nutrition and let you give you ideas for staying physically active (not working out) on the days you aren't with me.

Tracking and Accountability

I will hold you to a higher standard than you may hold yourself, because if you're not accountable to someone only YOU know if you did, or did not, follow the plan we developed for you. Our entire focus is on getting you results. That’s why we do consistent and extensive progress tracking with our clients. If we aren't tracking we won't know what's working and what’s not.

You Might Be Wondering

"Who Is This Guy?"

Husband. Trainer. Business Owner. Animal Lover. Author. I guess if I had to sum myself up in a few words those would be the words I choose, but I'll do my best to tell you a bit more about me.

I'm a guy, now 60, (dated myself didn't I) and I have been a coach for over 12 years now. I've received multiple certifications in fitness, exercise, movement and Physical Therapy; I'm a lifer here. 

I'm also an international best-selling author (I'm still not comfortable saying that) on training having written four books and several digital products. All through my years I've helped MANY HUNDREDS of people, like you, achieve goals they never believed possible.

It's always awesome to see people walk out of their workouts and, over time, that have lost  50, 80, even over 100 lbs. It's a blast helping clients get in better shape at 46 than they were at 26.

I enjoy coaching those that are in their late 30's, 40's and 50's. My life is dedicated to helping people like you get in the best shape of your life because I GET IT. Recovery takes longer (i had a hip replacement Thanksgiving 2018), injuries happen easier, life is a lot more chaotic all the while you still think/feel that you are in your 20's or 30's; so its a bit of a weird time in your life that your mind hasn't caught up to your body. You have to be smarter now. BUT, with smarter training and nutrition I get so amused seeing clients obtain levels of fitness far beyond what they were in their 20's.

My books, available on Amazon (click the image to visit the page)

Spartan Warrior Workout

Ultimate Kettlebell Workbook

Ultimate Olympic Weightlifting

Action Movie Hero Workouts

101 Conditioning Workouts for Trainers

More Awesome Results from Real People, People Just Like You

6 Week Jump Start Program

100% Risk Free

Meet with me and we'll map out a plan of action specifically for you.

My Group Class size is limited to 10 people MAX. This is to ensure YOU get the attention you need and deserve

As Seen On...














Personal Training

9a - 5:30p


Personal Training

9a - 5:30p



Personal Training 10:30a - 5:30p


Personal Training

10:30a - 5:30p


10:30a - 1p


That's 14 training sessions, and with 10 spaces available per session... That's 140 spaces available each and every week for you to choose from!

*If you have a schedule that rotates, or alternates week to week... NO PROBLEM! Our flexible schedule lets you plan your sessions according to YOUR schedule and YOUR life. If 9 AM today works, but 6:00 PM is better for your next session, that is how you create your training schedule. Your training program will always be designed to accommodate for your life.*


At ANY point in time during your Test Drive you just don't like it, you don't feel like this is a place you can call home, you don't think I am the coach for you, you think I'm an idiot or that I smell, if you don't like the colors or graphics on the walls... whatever reason you have, I will refund the full amount of the Test Drive. No Questions Asked. If you're not happy there is no reason for you to pay for it.

6 Week Jump Start Program

100% Risk Free

What Comes After the Jump Start?

If you liked the Jump Start and started getting results, join us as a regular member and continue to get results, support, accountability, and help.

I'm not going to try and sell you, either you like the program and what we do or you don't. There's no hard sell, as matter of fact there's no "selling" at all. 

We have a limited number of spots and we only want to work with people that WANT to achieve more and be the best version of themselves. That’s it. We have fantastic committed members here and once all the spaces are gone, they’re gone until the unlikely event a Member cancels their membership or moves away.

I'm very much looking forward to coaching you and helping you get in the BEST SHAPE OF YOUR LIFE.

In Health and Awesomeness, Dave

P.S. You too can start the journey getting in THE BEST SHAPE OF YOUR LIFE, you just have to click on the "Book a Success Session" button while the page is still active and this is fresh on your mind.

P.P.S. Every day that goes by is another day that you're missing out on becoming your best. Waiting till tomorrow never gets anyone results. How many more times are you going to say "I'll wait till next week/month/when kids go back to school/when the holidays are over...?" There will ALWAYS be something so TAKE ACTION NOW.