IronBody Fitness Transformation Center

Since 2007 I’ve been coaching people and providing Personalized Nutrition Coaching and Meal Planning, Health, and Fitness Programs.
Are you struggling to regain your health and fitness? If you are getting close to the Big 5-0 or have passed it, like me, you are probably feeling it.
Some days, we feel 90, from achy joints to stiff backs and troublesome knees. Not to mention that most people have been steadily gaining weight since they went to college and are now 30, 40, or 50 lbs overweight or more!
But I'm here to tell you that it doesn't have to be this way. You can reduce or eliminate those aches and pains and reduce body fat as well.
Eating better and getting in at least 30 mins of moderately intense exercise 3 times per week with a focus on resistance training for strength and 2 or 3 days of light to moderate exercise, including walking, preferably outdoors.
Sounds pretty easy, right? It is if you know specifically what to do, but most people don't. It's not your fault; you weren't trained to understand exercise programming. You also don't have a background in nutrition to know what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat.
Then there are all the "diet of the days" and detox programs that are all over Facebook and elsewhere. The trouble is they might work for 30 days, but most people rebound and get worse because they revert to old habits.
I'd rather teach you what you need to know so you can empower yourself. Knowledge is power, and knowing more about nutrition will help you make good decisions about your eating. Understanding how to do exercises correctly, using the right weight for the exercise, and the number of reps is crucial to working on your own.
I used to have people do challenges to lose 20 pounds or more in 42 days. For most people, it worked, but I found that almost all of them regained all the weight they had lost and then some.
After searching for the solution to yo-yo dieting, I realized that most people need education, support, and accountability. They need to learn and understand why certain foods are better than others and how some foods can cause internal inflammation and lead to joint aches and pains, psoriasis, leaky gut, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and more.
In addition to education, they need their family and friends to support their goals and someone to hold them accountable.
We incorporate daily lessons, habit creation, and support via daily emails to ensure you reach your goals and maintain your health and fitness.
We meet face-to-face with all clients once a month to ensure everything is on track, and if not, we dig deep to find out why. We also take measurements and photos at these meetings so we have a record of progress. If we see things trending incorrectly, we can adjust the individual's nutrition program and/or exercise regimen. We also discuss other factors that may be influencing their body composition, such as sleep habits, stress levels, hormone levels, and much more.
If you are feeling achy, have low energy or low libido, or are stiffer and weaker than you were, schedule a Success Session. If you have gained 10 or more pounds over time, book an appointment with me, and we will figure out what's going on and how we can help you feel, look, and move better than you have in years!
For those interested, here are some of my certifications, speaking engagements, etc.