Nutrition Coaching

Take the guesswork out of eating well!

I help busy executives stop the yo-yo diets and work with them to develop their unique eating strategy to help them lose weight and regain their health, vitality, and energy.

Why You’ll Love My Nutrition Program

We will meet and discuss your current and past eating habits, food likes and dislikes, food allergies or sensitivities and overall health and design a program for YOU.

Don't like fish? No problem, don't like broccoli? No problem we'll recommend a healthy alternative.

In addition to providing you with meal plans we will also teach you how to eat right so you don't have to rely on them over time.

Nutrition Plans Designed for You

No more cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all diets. No fad diets. We create scientifically designed nutrition programs focusing on eating Whole, Fresh & Raw foods. 

Chicken, Beef, fish, game animals, veggies, and fruit should all be eaten from local, organic sources whenever possible. Fruits should only be eaten when they are actually in season.

Pasture-raised animals provide the best sources of protein without the risk of absorbing growth hormones and antibiotics that are fed to conventionally raised animals.
(P.S. You can eat pizza!)

Support and Accountability

To ensure your success we send out daily emails with lessons, habits and motivational topics. We also follow up weekly with emails, texts, and Messenger. And for those who choose to use Food Journals, we check it weekly and give feedback and make modifications to keep you on track.

Plans for YOU

We focus on teaching you what to buy and how to meal prep so you'll be ready for the week ahead. With our daily lessons and habits you will build the knowledge to get fit and healthy and stay that way!

We typically start all new clients on a 10-day elimination diet to help the body get rid of all the toxins which are overloading your body's ability to remove them.

The liver and kidneys are designed to remove toxins from our bodies but we are exposed to so much on a daily basis your organs can't keep up. 

By going on a 21 day Elimination protocol we are helping the body cleanse itself.  After the 21 day program you will start on the meal plan you and I created for you.  

What Our Clients Say

I started the IronBody challenge (keto challenge) this past September. At the end of the challenge I lost 24.6lbs, starting weight of 173.6 and ending weight at 149.

The challenge didn't stop there for me, I have continued on the keto lifestyle and since the end of the challenge I have lost another 11 pounds! I am at 138 pounds!

It's been 5 months since I've started this journey with Dave Randolph at IronBody Fitness and I couldn't be happier!

Thank you Dave for all you have taught me on this journey, you have changed my life, this was not a "diet" to me, this is a lifestyle change that I plan to keep for years to come!

Kim White

The keto diet has been great! I've lost weight, I feel and look much better and my blood pressure is down enough so that I came off the meds.

Jeff Russell

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It's time to dial in your Nutrition for a long and healthy life!

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